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Murphy Bed Desk Installation Videos – New Design

Here you will learn all the steps involved in setting up and installing your own DIY WALL BED DESK HARDWARE.
The videos presented here are set up in 7 parts. Each part covers the takes you through the process of setting up and installing the desk hardware.
The videos feature a full-size vertical and horizontal Murphy bed built using the Easy DIY Murphy Bed hardware.
The process is the same for all other sizes and cabinet orientation.

Important Note: If you have the previous Murphy desk model and need to access the installation videos please click HERE.

What You Should know before you decide to buy a desk hardware kit – Important details

Time: 2:45

This video will introduce some new benefits of the new Murphy bed desk and also cover some important details you should be familiar with before you decide to purchase. 

Part 2  Customizing Options for the Bed Desk Board

Time: 2:55

This video will introduce you to the DIY Murphy WALL BED hardware desk and show you the various options you have to customize the width and length of the desk board used on the desk hardware.  You need to buy which is just a piece of 3/4” or 5/8” wood for the desk board.

IMPORTANT: Watch this video before you proceed to attach the desk arm brackets to the face of the bed.

Part 3a Installing the Desk Hardware on a Easy DIY Murphy Bed Brand

Time: 3:11

In this video you will learn how to install the Easy DIY Murphy Bed Desk hardware to any size Easy DIY Murphy Bed when you have used our Easy DIY Murphy Bed Hardware your Murphy wall bed.

Part 3b Installing the DIY Murphy Bed Desk on other brands of DIY Murphy Beds

Time: 1:35

You can use our Easy DIY Murphy Bed Desk hardware on other brands of DIY Murphy beds in the market if you follow the instructions in this video.

IMPORTANT: Please watch this video if you own any other brand of DIY Murphy bed before you purchase our desk hardware.

Part 4 Attaching The Balancing Arms to the Desk Arm Brackets

Time: 1:32

This video will show you how to attach the balancing arms to the desk arm brackets which is an quick and easy installation process.

Part 5 Attaching The Balancing Arms to the Face Panels

Time: 2:48

This video will show you how to attach the balancing arms to the desk arm brackets which is a quick and easy installation process.

Part 6 Desk Board Construction Details

Time: 2:08

This video will show you how to build the desk board and also cover the various options you have available.

Part 7 Attaching the Desk Board Top

Time: 3:03

In this video you will learn how to attach the desk board to the desk hardware and do the final balancing adjustment on the hardware.


Complete Construction Guide

Step-by-Step Visually Illustrated!

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